Be more: Remarkable. Memorizable. Recommendable.

Workshop for companies aiming for more automatic incoming leads!

Time on request


The workshop is all about knowing & doing:

Siegfried Haider has listened to thousands of presentations of national and international companies out of IT, finance other service industries, in particular hotels, agencies or other event suppliers. He has heard too many too similar and too boring versions. Prospects don't want to hear and memorize facts but they want to feel YOUR "Why to Buy". It's all about how to present your messages from inside out so that you make people feel before they think. It's more about falling in love first in order to buy at last. That is very easy if you know how.

Siegfried Haider will show you how this works for you and your company with your best messages you probably haven't used so far. And he will work with you on your presentation and pitch concept so that it rocks and generates clients. Create followers first in order to sell best.

  • Workshop will be at with your teams with customer contact live (or digital in Teams/Zoom on request)
  • Steps: 1. Online-Preparation-Meeting. 2. 2-day-Workshop. 3. Online-Review-Meeting.
  • If done internally: Max. 15 participants out of marketing & sales
  • If done openly: Max. 7 companies, 2 participants each (or with more companies in a different mode)
  • Attendees feedback themselves, too
  • 2 days, lots of fun with dinner night

Request proposal

Markets change. Clients expect more. Companies must adapt!

  • Target groups changed their behavior: Buying in totally transparent markets needs better reasons. In times of digital meetings anyway.
  • After the pandemic companies need to market themselves differently: Prospects need to understand in seconds how the company and it‘s products differentiate and why to choose it.
  • After first touchpoints prospects want to be able to memorize and recommend: So all partners in marketing and sales projects, exhibitions etc. need to present on a much higher level.

What's the goal?

Brand clarity and attractivity. Best presentations and communication.

  • You achieve brand development and a higher clarity for your company and offerings.
  • You improve your brand presentation so that prospects like and memorize your story and differentiator. You improve communication before, during and after all marketing projects.
  • You accomplish higher attraction and profits.


  • You learn how to stage your story best
  • Prospects love the real treasure of your brand
  • They turn easily into fans & ambassadors
  • Win more projects and multiply results

Why siegfried!haider / experts4events:

He brings 20+ years experience as a global project manager of his live marketing agency experts4events and 15+ years as a CoachSultant for brand positioning and marketing. His „sold out!“ system (book) is successfully approved by hundreds of clients. As a leading marketing- and event- agency with speaker bureau experts4events produces out-of-the-box live marketing and educational meeting and event concepts. They deliver measurable benefits, goal achievement and lots of fun for all involved in our event concepts offline or online. siegfried!haider is obsessed in optimizing every touchpoint, especially the personal ones. Because the number of best personal contacts determines the results in sales and profits. Especially in times of increasing digital communication. That's why the experienced innovative team around German Speakers Association founder/honorary president siegfried!haider installed this workshop for the different industries and it's pitches at point of sales / exhibition projects.

For whom?

Sales leader/representatives and employees with customer contact presenting brand and products / services to prospects or existing clients (cross-/upselling).

Your Investment?

Usually this workshop is held in person in a professional seminar hotel using best technical equipment. It is designed as a very interactive workshop with lots of attendee involvement. But it's possible in digital rooms like Teams/Zoom/... too.
If on premise siegfried!haider will

  • travel to the destination most convenient for the participants,
  • prepare according to each participant,
  • (optional) deliver 1 hour online pre and post meetings for preparation and implementation
  • deliver a best of workshop like done many times before and
  • will travel back and follow-up the workshop with each attendee.

===> This live workshop package is generally available for 4.970,00 Euro net plus business travel costs (destinations further away or pre and post online meetings longer than one hour each may require a reasonable additional charge). Only limited amounts of live workshops per year possible.

How to book?

Here you can inquire for the workshop with it's selectable pre- and post online-sessions. As we need to talk about details and individual requirements for our project before booking please have your goals and questions ready for our appointment to come. So please contact us first here:
In this form: Klick "Request proposal" button at top of the page
Tel.: +49(8141) 317732-0

References of previous participants

"Visit Faroe Islands offered two workshops with German brand positioner Siegfried Haider, who has been also a global operating event-agency owner and MICE industry expert for more than 20 years. The goal was to strengthen the brand storytelling of faroes hotels, DMC’s and other MICE suppliers. Optimizing the first impression when telling the brand story. Fore more leads, bookings and sales. Siegfried Haider delivered the workshops in English not only very well designed towards the goal. But also with hands on methods to find the best messages quickly and improve storytelling for more clients response and substantial interest. A very likeable, professional and experienced expert with lots of industry experience and competence. It was absolutely more than worth it and also much fun."
Annleyg Lamhauge, Meetings & Events at Visit Faroe Islands

"It was a real pleasure and experience to witness Siegfried Haider live. I was totally awake from start to the end of the workshop. He is honest, full of persuasiveness and his content is absolutely comprehensible and valuable. He is simply recommendable."
Klaus Michael Schindlmeier, GM Best Western Plus

"Siegfried Haider is pure inspiration, not only for GMs or CEO´s but for all employees. He knows the problem zones of hotels as well as it's profit zones. If you want to achieve something for your company or your employees, you should book the man."
Michael Stober, GM Landgut Stober

"For us it was one of the best and most effective workshops: We can only recommend it to everyone! A top trainer with excellent industry knowledge, eloquent, humorous talking about a marketing with a heart. It just couldn't be better! This makes personal development and brand positioning a lot of fun!"
Markus Meier, GM GenoHotel Baunatal

"Your positioning speech got excellent evaluations from our buyers. They loved you on stage and your speech was an enrichment for everyone. Thank you very much!"
Pia Kumpmann Lead Convention Bureau Karlsruhe

Other companies sending attendees to this kind of workshops so far (selection):

AccorHotels Germany GmbH, Alte Posthalterei Zusmarshausen, Altes Stahlwerk, Anders Tagungshotel Walsrode, BierKulturHotel Schwanen GmbH, Biohotel Werratal GmbH, Camp Reinsehlen, Fuchsbräu Hotel GmbH, Gastschloss GmbH Schloss Haigerloch, GenoHotel Baunatal, Göbel's Schlosshotel "Prinz von Hessen", Gut Gremmelin GmbH, Gut Hühnerhof, Gut Thansen, Hohenwart Forum GmbH, Hotel & Restaurant Weinberg-Schlösschen, Hotel Der Blaue Reiter GmbH & Co.KG, hotel friends Köln GmbH, Hotel Herzogspark, Hotel NEUE HÖHE, Hotel Restaurant Gut Altona, Hotel Schloß Benkhausen, Hotel Schönbuch, HWW Seminar- und Tagungsbetrieb GmbH - ARCADEON -, IHK Akadamie München und Oberbayern gGmbH - IHK Akademie Westernham -, Jugendstilhotel Bellevue, Kloster Hornbach Lösch GmbH, La Villa, Landgut Stober Kontor GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG, Landhotel Edelfinger Hof, Mintrop's Land Hotel Burgaltendorf GmbH, Mintrop's StadtHotel Margarethenhöhe, NaturKultur Hotel Stumpf, Palatin Kongresshotel und Kulturzentrum GmbH, Parkhotel Schillerhain GmbH, Pfalzhotel Asselheim GmbH & Co. KG, repecon - Reinhard Peter Medien- und PR-Konzeptionen, Schloss Hohenkammer GmbH, Schloss Rheinfels GmbH & Co. KG, Seehotel Niedernberg, Tagungs- u. Seminarzentrum Schloss Marbach GmbH, Tagungshotel Heißenhof, Tagungszentrum Schmerlenbach, Waldknechtshof and many more ...

